US Green Card Lottery: May 2012

US Green Card Lottery

US Green Card Lottery or Diversity Immigrant Visa Program or DV Lottery for anyone who is eligible to apply the Immigration Lottery.
Join our mailing list for annual reminder. Please introduce your self. Anonymous Applicant will not be approved in mailing list/group.
Good luck!
Informasi Green Card atau DV Lotere bagi warga yang dapat mengajukan aplikasi DIVERSITY VISA.
Silahkan bergabung dengan milis kami dengan memperkenalkan diri anda. Semoga anda berhasil.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

DV entry status check

Entry Status Check

The entry registration period for the 2013 Diversity Visa program (DV-2013) was between October 4, 2011 and November 5, 2011. All submission processing at this web site has finished.

DV Entrant Status Check 2012 and 2013 Entrant Status Check

2013 Entrant Status Check 
DV-2013 entrants may now enter their confirmation information through the link below, as of noon (EDT) May 1, 2012. The DV-2013 registration period was from October 4, 2011, until November 5, 2011. DV-2013 entrants should keep their confirmation number as it is possible that more entries may be selected on October 1, 2012 at noon (EDT).

2012 Entrant Status Check
DV-2012 entrants (those who entered the DV lottery between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010) have until September 30, 2012 to check the status of their entry through this website. The DV-2012 registration period was from October 5, 2010, until November 3, 2010.

Please click the link below to check DV-2012 and DV-2013 Entrant Status:
The Internet Explorer browser best supports this application.

Good luck with your DV Lottery Application

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Beware of SCAMs

Pemberitahuan ini kami sampaikan sehubungan dengan banyak nya penipuan yang terjadi seputar GreenCard Lottery.

Sementara penerimaan Lottery telah ditutup sampai adanya penerimaan lottery berikutnya.Kami belum tahu kapan akan ada penerimaan lottery berikutnya. Harap sabar menunggu.

Apabila anda menyimpan kode konfirmasi applikasi anda, silahkan periksa kembali sekitar bulan MEI - SEPTEMBER nanti di situs ini

Silahkan bergabung dengan milis kami di GreenCardLottery YahooGroups untuk mendapatkan informasi lottery berikutnya.

Harap diperhatikan bahwa dengan menjadi anggota milis, kami tidak memasukkan aplikasi lottery untuk anda.

Apabila anda bertamu kerumah orang, pasti pemilik rumah akan bertanya siapa anda bukan ? Sama hal nya dengan milis kami, untuk menjadi anggota, kami minta perkenalan diri anda. Tanpa perkenalan, kami tidak akan menerima anda dalam milis kami.

Apabila anda sudah memasukkan aplikasi lottery anda tahun lalu dan anda menerima e-mail seperti contoh dibawah ini yang meminta pembayaran lewat transfer ke rekening bank, harap e-mail tersebut di buang saja. Jangan sampai anda tertipu.

Pihak pemerintah Amerika tidak mewakilkan pengurusan lottery ini kepada perorangan, perusahaan atau organisasi non pemerintah Amerika, baik di Amerika, Eropah atau di negara lain.

Surat panggilan yang sah akan dikirimkan melalui surat pos ke alamat anda dengan beberapa formulir yang harus diisi dan dikembalikan ke Instansi pemerintah Amerika yang sah atau ke Kedutaan Amerika di Jakarta atau Konsulat Amerika di Indonesia.

Setelah anda mengirimkan berkas surat2 tersebut, anda akan menerima panggilan wawancara di Kedutaan Amerika di Jakarta atau Konsulat Amerika di Indonesia untuk penentuan tahap terahir.

Pembayaran biaya visa akan ditagih sebelum wawancara anda di Kedutaan Amerika di Jakarta atau Konsulat Amerika di Indonesia.
Untuk mengikuti GreenCard Lottery tahap awal, anda tidak dikenakan biaya. Tetapi setelah anda terpilih sebagai pemenang lottery, untuk proses visa akan ada biaya DV Lottery Visa yang bisa dilihat informasi nya di situs ini

Semoga anda beruntung dan bisa mendapatkan Lottery tahun ini.

Just so that you know..... The US GreenCard Lottery, also called Diversity Lottery or DV lottery is currently closed. Please wait for the next one if you wish to apply for the lottery.

We do not have the information regarding the upcoming Lottery yet, but we will update the information on this website when the information becoming available later.
Please join our GreenCardLottery Mailing list to get update on the upcoming Lottery.

Please note that joining our mailing list does not means that we will send the application for you.
As if you are coming to someone's home, if you don't know the home owner, you will need to introduce yourself before you can come in, right ?
We do request your introduction prior to our acceptance to the e-group, simply because we do not want any stranger, an anonymous guest being a member that might be sending junk mail to the e-group. Without proper introduction, we will not welcome you to the group.

If you had submitted your application last year and receive an e-mail, asking for payment, please note that your e-mail notification is a SCAM. Do NOT send any money or give your information to any person in USA, Europe or anywhere else who ask for payment through the bank account.

Please continue to read the information below ...

Beware ! This is a sample of a SCAM
BEWARE of SCAMS !The above image is a sample of an e-mail SCAM that notify your winning lottery and asking for payment.

The US Immigration Department will NEVER send you an e-mail to notify you that you won your US Green Card Lottery or DV Lottery, asking for payment to be transfer to a person's bank account in USA or other countries.

Your winning notification will be coming by regular Post Office Mail. It will be an official letter from the US Department State along with an APPLICATION FOR IMMIGRANT VISA AND ALIEN REGISTRATION form that you will need to fill in your BIOGRAPHIC DATA to start the process of your Lottery as a selectee.

Your notification will be mailed to your address sometimes between MAY - SEPTEMBER . Most likely before August . If you keep your entry confirmation number, you can check your selectee status on this website

Once you received your official mail with the forms and instructions, please fill in and send it back immidiately with your personal information without any payment (yet) to the official US government office.

As a selectee, you will have to come in person to the US Embassy or US Consulate in your country when you received your schedule for an interview to finalized of your Lottery process.

The DV Lottery is FREE to apply online, directly through the DV Lottery website.
However once you are selected, it is not FREE to process your Final Immigrant Visa.
You will have to pay for the DV Visa fee, just before your interview at the US Embassy or US Consulate overseas or US Immigration office in USAThe official DV Lottery Visa Services fee is on this website:

Thank you and Good luck to your DV Lottery application !

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